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Combination of Launch, Tagtician & Adobe Analytics

Auidt Adobe Launch Easy Way

If you want to analyze your Adobe Launch Rules, you can find out what rules are frequently used or which ones are failing. This post outlines a simple way to leverage Tagtician (a third-party tool) and Adobe Analytics to track the performance of your Adobe Launch configuration.

This document will help answer these questions:

  • Which rules are most frequently run, and which haven't triggered in a while?

  • Which rules triggered but failed due to conditions?

  • Which rules triggered a specific Tag/Extension/Action most?

  • Which page of your site did the rule fire on?

Optimizing Your Adobe Launch Property

By answering the above questions, you can optimize and audit your Launch property by:

  • Removing outdated or unused rules, tags, and extensions.

  • Ensuring rules aren’t running at incorrect times.

  • Auditing any sudden rule/tag failures.

  • Identifying if too many rules are failing on the same page and adjusting event triggers.

Plan Overview:

  1. Tagtician Export of your Launch Library (Tagtician).

  2. Create a Launch rule to track rule names using Launch’s monitoring APIs.

  3. Use List Props to capture rule names and upload data regarding rule triggers.

1. Getting Ready:

Step 1: Export Launch Rules Using Tagtician

First, export your Launch property using Tagtician.

Step 2: Organize the Export Data

Copy the names of all the rules from the Tagtician export and paste them into a new sheet. In the next column, assign them abbreviations like R1, R2, etc.

Step 3: Create a JSON for Rule Names

Create a JSON file called ruleLookUp where the rule names are the keys and the abbreviations are the values.

var ruleLookUp = {
    "All Pages | DOM Ready | AA": "R1",
    "All Pages | Lib Loaded | AT": "R2",
    // ... other rules

Step 4: Enable Adobe Analytics Props

Enable two props in Adobe Analytics (e.g., prop1 for "Rules Fired" and prop2 for "Rules Failed Over Conditions").

2. Launch Configuration:

Step 1: Create a Rule in Launch

Create a rule with the following configuration:

  • Event: Library Loaded (Page Top) with Order 1.

  • Condition: None.

This rule will trigger first on every page load.

Step 2: Add a Custom JavaScript Action

The rule should contain a custom JavaScript action to capture which rules completed and which failed, and store this data in the Adobe Analytics props.

var ruleCompleted = new Array();
var ruleConditionFailed = new Array();
window._satellite = window._satellite || {};
window._satellite._monitors = window._satellite._monitors || [];
    ruleCompleted: function(event) {
    ruleConditionFailed: function(event) {

Step 3: Handle List Prop Limitations

To solve the issue of list props being limited to 100 bytes, use local storage to store rule data and abbreviate the rule names.

Final Code Example:

var ruleCompleted = new Array();
var ruleConditionFailed = new Array();
var ruleLookUp = { /* the rule names and abbreviations */ };

if(localStorage.getItem("ruleCompleted")) {

window._satellite = window._satellite || {};
window._satellite._monitors = window._satellite._monitors || [];
    ruleCompleted: function(event) {
        localStorage.setItem("ruleCompleted", ruleCompleted.join("|").toString());
    ruleConditionFailed: function(event) {
        localStorage.setItem("ruleConditionFailed", ruleConditionFailed.join("|").toString());

Step 4: Send Data in the Page Load Beacon

In the rule that sends the page load beacon, set the props to the rule data and clear the local storage.

s.prop1 = ruleCompleted.join("|").toString();
s.prop2 = ruleConditionFailed.join("|").toString();
ruleCompleted = [];
ruleConditionFailed = [];

3. Adobe Analytics Configurations:

Step 1: Create Classification Reports

Create classification reports for the list props (prop1 for rules fired and prop2 for rules failed).

Step 2: Download and Upload Classification Templates

Download the classification template from Adobe and populate it using the Tagtician export file.

Step 3: Analyze Reports

After uploading, you can run the classification reports and gather insights on your Launch implementation.

This setup will help you track and optimize your Adobe Launch configuration using Tagtician and Adobe Analytics, offering valuable insights into rule performance.


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